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In Chile, students must study six years to become pharmacists. The best school of pharmacy is at Universidad de Chile in Santiago. A degree is needed not only to dispense and be able to work at clinical and community pharmacy, but also in Pharmaceutical, Food and Cosmetic industry at every level, including drug development, manufacturing, management, marketing, etc. The official title for pharmacists in Chile is Químico Farmacéutico (Chemist and Pharmacist), and their degree is Licenciado en Ciencias Químicas y farmacéuticas (Bachelor in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences).


The applicants (Chilean or foreign citizens), must have obtained their degrees in one of the following countries which have signed agreements with Chile: Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Spain, Peru, Uruguay, Bolivia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Peru.


For students who have professional degrees from countries that currently do not have any agreement with Chile, the University of Chile recognizes professional degrees obtained abroad, undertaken in such countries.

For this please contact to Universidad de Chile: Telephone: 9781023, website-


Special cases requiring a general exam


Those holding a degree granted by a Member State of the Convention of Mexico of 1902 related to medicine and surgery (e.g. Physicians, Dentists, Pharmacists, Veterinary Surgeons, Nutritionists, Obstetricians, Kinesiologists, Medical Technicians, Nurses), must previously take a general exam, pursuant to Article III of the aforementioned international instrument. For this purpose, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, after assessing records, refers applicants to Universidad de Chile. If this university informs that the applicant passed the exam, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs issues the corresponding recognition certificate. If the university informs that the applicant failed the exam, or that he/she has let time go by without taking it, the Degrees Section will return the documents to the applicant.


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