Ph. D (Pharmacy)
Admission notice will be uploaded here as soon as admission notice released/published.
POSTGRADUATE INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL EDUCATION AND RESEARCH (PGIMER), CHANDIGARH invites online applications for admission in Ph.D. Programme Jan 2018 Session.
Applications on the prescribed form (to be filled online) are invited for Ph.D., MSc/MSc (MLT) and program/course of the Institute for January 2018 academic session
Education Qualification:
Medical Qualification: MBBS with minimum 55% aggregate marks or MD/MS in the subject concerned or Diplomat of National Board of Examination.
Eligibility for Non Medical/Social Behavioural Sciences: The candidates with the following qualifications will be eligible a The candidates who have passed M.Sc/MA or its equivalent/examination with at least 60 % marks in the subjects mentioned below: from the colleges/institutes recognized by the UGC/Panjab University are eligible
Life Sciences: A degree of Master of Sciences (M.Sc) or Master in Veterinary Science (M.V.Sc.) or M.Sc. (Laboratory Technology) or M.Sc (Speech & Hearing) in subjects allied to Medical Sciences such as Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Human Biology, Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Immunology, Life Sciences including Botany, Zoology, Genetics, Cell Biology, Pharmacology, Pharmacy, Organic Chemistry, Anthropology & M.Sc (Human Genomics).
Date of start of filling of online application forms – 14.10.2017
Last Date of filling of applications online- 13.11.2017
Last Date of depositing of fee in the Bank- 17.11.2017
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NATIONAL CENTRE FOR CELL SCIENCE, PUNE, Department of Biotechnology, Government of India invites online applications for admission in Ph.D. Programme March 2018 Session.
Students with the only postgraduate degree and having a valid fellowship from CSIR/DBT/ICMR/UGC/BINC are eligible to apply. Students with a postgraduate degree who do not have a fellowship but have qualified JGEEBILS examination conducted by NCBS/TIFR held on 11th December 2016 are also eligible to apply. Shortlisted candidates from the JGEEBILS results based on NCCS criteria will be only called for interview
Education Qualification:
a)Should have Masters (postgraduate) degree in any branch of Sciences with interest in pursuing research in Modern Biology and having at least 50% or equivalent Grade Point Average (GPA) and with a valid fellowship from CSIR/DBT/ICMR/UGC/BINC, etc..
b) Students with post graduate degree, who do not have individual fellowship but have qualified JGEEBILS exam conducted by NCBS/TIFR on 11th December, 2016 will be eligible to apply. Students will be shortlisted based on JGEEBILS results by NCCS criteria for interview. NCCS decision in this regard will be final. Please write your JGEEBILS December, 2016 Reference Code on the top of the application form at the designated place.
MODE OF APPLICATION:- The completed hardcopy application form along with the copies of M.Sc. marks statement and Fellowship certificate/admit card should reach the Dean (Academics), National Centre for Cell Science, S. P. Pune University Campus, Ganeshkhind, Pune – 411 007 on or before 17th November 2017
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All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Jodhpur invites online applications for Entrance Examination through online (BT) mode for admission in Ph.D. Programme Jan 2018 Session.
Education Qualification:
a)A degree of Master of Science in Bio-Medical Sciences or Laboratory Medicine with at least 60% marks.
b) A degree of Master of Surgery or Doctor of Medicine or MDS or an equivalent degree or Diplomat of the National Board of Examinations.
c) A degree of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) or BDS with a minimum of 55% of the aggregate marks in the professional examinations.
For more information Please visit website of AIIMS Jodhpur: www.aiimsjodhpur.edu.in/
Apply online here: